Learn Japanese Language FAQ

This Learn Japanese Language FAQ page is created in order to help answer those frequently asked questions encountered by Japanese learners, especially beginners.

Learn Japanese Language FAQ

Why I Setup this FAQ Section?

When I was attending my Japanese lessons few years back, I remembered I was always having lots of questions regarding almost everything!

After "digesting" what had been taught in the previous lesson at home, I always prepared a full list of questions for my Japanese teacher in the next lesson.

I think I was the last person to leave the classroom when the lesson ended because I would clear all my doubts with my teacher before I want to leave.

How I wish there is a Learn Japanese language Frequently Asked Questions section that I can refer to during that time. It'll be very helpful for beginners who feel so lost when they are learning this language.

And this thought has triggered me to build this FAQ section where I hope I can clear most of the questions you encountered regarding Japanese.

If you have a question about learning Japanese, you can submit it using the form below. Click here to see all questions and answers submitted by others.

I will reply by posting a detailed answer as quickly as possible. And if I don't have the answer, I will be happy to do some research on the subject.

However in this case it will take a bit longer for me to post an answer.

I will do my very best to reply all questions about learning Japanese within 2 days. But if I am really busy it can take longer time.

If you want to know when I have answered your question, please don't forget to check the notification box and provide your email address when you submit your question.

Reason Why Your Questions are not Answered

As I hope that my answers will be beneficial to visitors having difficulties in their Japanese learning, I would appreciate that you ask only questions related to learning Japanese.

If you want to ask more personal questions like "How to say my name in Japanese?" or "What is the meaning of this anime's title?", I would appreciate if you can ask through this contact form.

As these questions can be replied in one or two sentences, it's difficult for me to create an answer page based on these questions.

Moreover, the answers to these questions might not be beneficial to people who want to learn Japanese. Thank you for your understanding.

Do come back often to this Learn Japanese Language FAQ page as I will update it frequently. There will be many questions and answers posted which you might be interested to know.

Do You Have A Question On Learning Japanese?

If you have a question on learning Japanese language, I'll do my best to answer it for you. Just submit your question using the form below.

If it's important that you get an answer as soon as possible, please set your notification preferences so that you'll receive an email when I've answered your question.

Learn Japanese FAQ Submitted by Others

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this Learn Japanese Language FAQ page...

What is the best way of studying vocab and kanji? 
Hello! First of all, thank you very much for your lessons, it took me ages to find such amazing and free lessons without any "pay-for-more-info"-parts. …

Differences between verb te form kara and verb tara sentence 
V1 て-form から、V2 (After) vs V1 た-form ら、 V2 (After) A. 家へ帰ったら、すぐシャワーを浴びる。 I will take a shower soon after I return home. B. 国へ帰ってから、父の会社で働く。 I …

Can you explain more about the several uses of the verb shimau? 
Reply: Hi Pinillos Elka, I have previously answered a similar question on how to use Verb te-form shimaimashita . Over here, I will answer it …

What is the difference between kimochi, kibun and choushi? 
I saw you use 調子 in the sentence 体の調子が悪いとき、医者へ行きます to mean "When I am not feeling well, I visit the doctor." By that I'm guessing that 調子 means feeling, …

Do you have any mnemonics for hiragana? 
I've been trying to get hiragana down as the basics for learning Japanese, but I can't for the life of me remember what half the symbols are unless I sneak …

What is the difference between nai-form and masu-form? 
I have a question about Basic Lesson 19. What is the difference between nai-form and masu-form? And I also don't understand the grouping of Japanese verbs? …

How to determine onyomi and kunyomi of each kanji character? 
Dear sir, I have great difficulty in determining onyomi and kunyomi of each and every kanji. The only thing was to memorize them but it takes too long …

what are the particles in japanese and how to use the particles? 
Reply: Hi Shiela, This is a question which I don't think can be replied completely and clearly in a single page. However, I will try to give you …

How exactly do you understand what japanese letters make up what words? 
Hello, I just wanted to ask you how exactly do people understand what words translate from japanese to english or english to japanese like what I'm saying …

How do I practise writing sentences in Japanese? 
(Note: I have no idea how to phrase any of this.) I feel like this is essentially a problem of trying to think in Japanese instead of simply having nothing …

Is there a test i can take just to see what level i am at? 
I don't really know where I'm at right now, but I'm guessing it's between advanced beginner or beginner intermediate. But I would like to know for sure. …

What textbooks did you use on learning japanese?  
I am looking for books that give lots of examples like the ones you posted here in your website. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and tips. …

How can you tell when words end and begin in a Japanese sentence? 
When looking at a sentence consisting of Japanese characters, how can you tell when words end and begin? In English each word is separated, while in Japanese …

Which hiragana character to use for dakuon chi and shi? 
(hiragana) when you have dakuon to "chi" and "shi", when writing a word using the sound "ji", how do you know which character to use if you don't know …

How to use kara in Japanese for reason? 
I know kara in Japanese can mean "from" as in from/to. How about the meaning for "reason"? How to use it in a Japanese sentence? Please explain. Thanks. …

How to use n desu 
How to use the sentence pattern "n desu"? Reply: Hi Cathy, I believed you are asking about the usage of the following expressions: Plain form のですか …

Which is the main action in Japanese verb stem of masu form plus nagara sentence? 
I have just learnt the nagara sentence from my Japanese class. While I know the sentence means doing two things at the same time, I don't know whether …

How to use japanese verb te-form shimaimashita? 
What is the difference between tabemashita and tabete shimaimashita? What is the purpose of changing the verb to te-form and then adding shimaimashita? …

What is the meaning of tondemonai? 
It seems like tondemonai has several meanings as I always heard Japanese said that in different situations in the drama. I am quite confused when to use …

Is there any trick to know new Japanese words I have never heard before? 
Hello again, I just wanted to say you all rock because I finally overcame learning Japanese in about 4 months O_o. I rushed it but it was worth it. I got …

Japanese Study Time Table 
Hi, How to plan a good study time table ? How many hour of study per day or week ? Thank you. Reply: Hi JE, while it's good to have a study time …

Why is Mushroom written with Katakana and not Hiragana in some cases? Not rated yet
I was on the internet looking for the meaning of "Kinoko" and it turns out it means "mushroom" and so I've been using 「きのこ」. On the Wikipedia page, however, …

What are sokuon and long vowels? Not rated yet
Can you explain sokuon and long vowels (chouon) in a kind of different way? They confused me and I don't know what they mean. Reply: Hi Briam, …

In learning the japanese language, what does "negative form" mean? Not rated yet
For example, when conjugating verbs, I somewhat get confused & I'm often corrected by others that I use the "rude form" of a verb. Right now I'm learning …

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How do I use negative imperative in plain form? Not rated yet
The polite imperative-form is te-form + kudasai and the negative is te-form + dekudasai. But when I want to say "Do that!" or "Don't do that!" I would …

Is there a difference in politeness and meaning between kekkou and ii? Not rated yet
I was at a Japanese book store and the store clerk was helping me look for the book for a while. I felt bad and told her けっこう, as in she didn't have to …

How should I start learning Japanese as a beginner of the language? Not rated yet
If possible, will you answer the rest of my questions? Reply: Hi Kyisha, please see my replies below your questions. 1. How should I start learning …

Using Japanese Particles Correctly Not rated yet
Which one is the correct Japanese particle in the following sentences? 1. Tanaka san ga or de mado wo or ga akemashita. 2. kaze de or ga mado wo …

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