This lesson covers how you can incorporate numbers in Japanese into normal sentences.
Before going further, please take some time to look at the section on Japanese numbers, where you will learn how to read and count Japanese numbers.
Tables on numbers from 0 to 1,000,000,000,000 are also given.
Besides, there are other related topics on numbers in Japanese like:
When you have finished exploring the above section, come back to here to learn about how to incorporate the numbers into actual sentences.
Using numbers in sentence is quite simple. Look at the following expressions...
Subject が Number あります (Subject ga Number arimasu)
Subject が Number います (Subject ga Number imasu)
Meaning: There is Number subjects. (where Number can be any number)
Please take note that the number comes after the particle が. Putting in some real numbers in the expressions...
Adding in the location in the expressions...
Place に Subject が Number あります (Place ni Subject ga arimasu)
Place に Subject が Number います (Place ni Subject ga imasu)
Meaning: There is Number subjects in/at Place.
The following shows some examples using the above expressions plus some others you have learned in the previous lessons...
The particle と (to) is used to connect 2 nouns together, equivalent to "and" in English.
However it can only be used for connecting nouns, not adjectives nor verbs. The simplest format will be...
NounA と NounB
NounA to NounB
Meaning: NounA and NounB.
If you want to mention 2 things (nouns) in one sentence, make use of particle と (to). The following expressions show the result...
Place に SubjectA が NumberA と SubjectB が NumberB あります
Place ni SubjectA ga NumberA to SubjectB ga NumberB arimasu
Place に SubjectA が NumberA と SubjectB が NumberB います
Place ni SubjectA ga NumberA to SubjectB ga NumberB imasu
Meaning: There are NumberA SubjectA and NumberB subjectB in/at Place.
Put in some real figures in the above expressions...
You can use the above expression when you are asking for something from somebody, for example, when you are buying something in a shop.
So if you are buying more than one, put in the number after the particle を (wo), such as...
Noun を Number ください
Noun wo Number kudasai
Meaning: Please give me Number Noun.
Again, use the particle と (to) if there are more than one subject...
NounA を NumberA と NounB を NumberB ください
NounA wo NumberA to NounB wo NumberB kudasai
Meaning: Please give me NumberA NounA and NumberB NounB.
Let's put in some numbers to show the above expressions...
All the above examples show how you can incorporate numbers in Japanese into sentences. You just need to take note that in a typical sentence, particles always come before numbers in Japanese.
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