Japanese Verbs of Motion and
How to Make Request in Japanese -
Free Japanese Lessons: 23

In this lesson you will get to learn some Japanese verbs of motion (or motion verbs) and how to make request to someone in Japanese using te-form.

You have already learned in lesson 16 on particle で (de) that when you are performing certain action at a place, you use the following expression...

  • Place で (Verb) Action

Particle で (de) is always used when you are performing an action at a place.

However, there are some exceptions.

When it comes to motion verbs, the particle used is を (wo) instead of で (de), as shown in the following expression...

  • Place を Motion Verb

What is a Motion Verb?

So what exactly is a motion verb? A motion verb is a Japanese verb that involves a movement of a person from one place to another place.

Japanese verbs such as "to walk" - あるく (aruku) and "to fly" - とぶ (tobu), belong to motion verbs.

Particle を (wo) is normally used as the direct object particle of a verb, like in this phrase...

  • りんご  たべる (ringo wo taberu) - to eat an apple

The particle を (wo) indicates that りんご (ringo - apple) is the direct object of the verb たべる (taberu - to eat).

While in the case of motion verb, the place becomes the direct object of the verb. It looks a bit strange, but this is how it's defined.

How Motion Verbs Work?

Let's use some examples to show how the motion verbs work...

Motion Verb Example Romaji Meaning
1. のぼる かいだんをのぼる kaidan wo noboru Go upstairs
2. おりる かいだんをおりる kaidan wo oriru Go downstairs
3. とぶ そらをとぶ sora wo tobu Fly in the sky
4. あるく みちをあるく michi wo aruku Walk on the road
5. はしる こうえんをはしる kouen wo hashiru Run in the park
6. わたる はしをわたる hashi wo wataru Cross the bridge
7. とおる みちをとおる michi wo tooru Pass along the street
8. さんぽする こうえんをさんぽする kouen wo sanposuru Stroll in the park

How to Make Request to Someone Using Japanese Verbs te-form?

This is actually quite simple. When you want to ask someone to do something, you just need to change the Japanese verb to its te-form and add ください (kudasai).

In the negative case, when you want to request someone not to do something, change the Japanese verb to its nai-form and add でください (dekudasai).

Verb (て-form) ください

Verb (ない-form) でください

You will probably hear people using this quite often in Japan, especially when making announcements in the train stations or airports.

Let's use some examples to show how to incorporate these in our everyday life.

Examples of Using Verb (て-form) ください


te wo aratte kudasai
Meaning: Please wash your hands.


hon wo yonde kudasai
Meaning: Please read the book.


benkyou wo shite kudasai
Meaning: Please study.


basu ni notte kudasai
Meaning: Please get on the bus.


kyoushitsu wo dete kudasai
Meaning: Please get out of the classroom.


namae wo kaite kudasai
Meaning: Please write your name. 


shashin wo totte kudasai
Meaning: Please take a photo.


piano wo hiite kudasai
Meaning: Please play the piano.


tegami wo dashite kudasai
Meaning: Please send a letter.

Examples of Using Verb (ない-form) でください


manga wo yomanai de kudasai
Meaning: Please don't read comic book.


ju-su wo nomanai de kudasai
Meaning: Please don't drink juice.


terebi wo minai de kudasai
Meaning: Please don't watch TV.


shawa- wo abinai de kudasai
Meaning: Please don't take shower.


ke-ki wo kawanai de kudasai
Meaning: Please don't buy cake.


koko e konai de kudasai
Meaning: Please don't come here.


asobanai de kudasai
Meaning: Please don't play.


shashin wo toranai de kudasai
Meaning: Please don't take photo.


hanasanai de kudasai
Meaning: Please don't talk.

Related Pages

Lesson 18: Verbs.

Lesson 19: Verbs Part 2 - Change dictionary-form to masu-form and nai-form.

Lesson 20: Verbs on give and receive.

Lesson 21: Verbs te-form.

Lesson 22: Verbs on Progress Action, Habitual Action & Occupation.

Lesson 29: Verbs on State Continuation.

Lesson 30: Verbs - Transitive and Intransitive verbs.

Lesson 31: Verbs on State Continuation Transitive/Intransitive.

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