Japanese Vegetables
Words and Vocabulary

This section covers the words and vocabulary commonly used to describe the Japanese vegetables.

Japanese Vegetables Vocabulary

When we talk about Japanese food, many people will quickly think of ラーメン (ramen), meat such as beef (和牛 wagyu) and pork (黒豚 kurobuta) or fishes (刺身 sashimi and 寿司 sushi).

But what people might not know is that there are many delicious Japanese vegetables available in Japan. Although vegetables might not be as well known as meat or fishes, they are inevitably a necessity in Japan's cuisine.

Vegetables are not only served as main dish, they are also used as side dish in salads, or widely used as ingredients in soup.

Recently, 焼き芋 (yakiimo - roasted sweet potato) has become one of the very popular Japanese vegetables, not only in Japan but also around the world.

In fact the Japan government has targeted to export approximately 1 trillion Yen worth of agricultural products in 2019.

Let's look at the list of Japanese vegetables...

Kanji Hiragana or
Romaji Meaning
1. 野菜 やさい yasai Vegetable
2. 大根 だいこん daikon White Radish
3. 人参 にんじん ninjin Carrot
4. にら nira Chinese Chive
5. 大蒜 にんにく ninniku Garlic
6. 玉蜀黍 トウモロコシ toumorokoshi Corn / Maize
7. セリ seri Java Water Dropwort
8. キャベツ kyabetsu Cabbage
9. レタス retasu Lettuce
10. ブロッコリー burokkori- Broccoli
11. カリフラワー karifurawa- Cauliflower
12. ピーマン pi-man Green Pepper
13. パセリ paseri Parsley
14. セロリ serori Celery
15. トマト tomato Tomato
16. ジャガイモ jagaimo Potato
17. サツマイモ satsumaimo Sweet Potato
18. 里芋 サトイモ satoimo Taro / Dasheen / Eddo
19. 長芋 ながいも nagaimo Chinese Yam
20. 山芋 ヤマイモ yamaimo Japanese Yam (general term)
21. 大和芋 やまといも yamatoimo Japanese Yam
22. 茄子 ナス nasu Eggplant
23. 胡瓜 きゅうり kyuuri Cucumber
24. かぶ kabu Turnip
25. キノコ kinoko Mushroom
26. 榎茸 えのきたけ enokitake Enoki Mushroom
27. 舞茸 まいたけ maitake Hen-of-the-woods Mushroom
28. 木耳 きくらげ kikurage Cloud Ear Mushroom / Wood Ear Mushroom
29. 椎茸 しいたけ shiitake Shiitake Mushroom
30. 松茸 まつたけ matsutake Matsutake Mushroom
31. 平茸 ひらたけ hiratake Oyster Mushroom
32. エリンギ eringi King Trumpet Mushroom / King Oyster Mushroom
33. 占地 シメジ shimeji Shimeji Mushroom
34. 滑子 ナメコ nameko Nameko Mushroom
35. 竹の子 / 筍 / 笋 たけのこ takenoko Bamboo Shoot
36. 蓮根 レンコン renkon Lotus Root
37. 牛蒡 ごぼう gobou Great Burdock
38. 生姜 しょうが shouga Ginger
39. 紅生姜 べにしょうが beni shouga Red Pickled Ginger
40. 茗荷 みょうが myouga Japanese Ginger
41. 玉葱 たまねぎ tamanegi Onion
42. ねぎ negi Welsh Onion / Green Onion
43. 青葱 あおねぎ aonegi Green Spring Onion
44. 白葱 しろねぎ shironegi White Spring Onion
45. 獅子唐辛子 ししとうがらし shishi tougarashi Shishito / Small Sweet Green Pepper
46. 南瓜 かぼちゃ kabocha Pumpkin
47. 香母酢 カボス kabosu Japanese Citrus Fruit / Japanese Lime
48. ゴーヤ go-ya Bitter Melon
49. オクラ okura Okra
50. ナッツ nattsu Nut
51. ピーナッツ pi-nattsu Peanut
52. カシューナッツ kashu- nattsu Cashew Nut
53. 白菜 はくさい hakusai Napa Cabbage / Chinese Cabbage
54. 菠薐草 ほうれんそう hourensou Spinach
55. 小松菜 こまつな komatsuna Japanese Mustard Spinach
56. 水菜 ミズナ mizuna Japanese Mustard / Spider Mustard
57. 紫蘇 シソ shiso Perilla Leaf
58. 青紫蘇 あおジソ aojiso Green Perilla
59. 赤紫蘇 あかジソ akajiso Red Perilla
60. 大豆 だいず daizu Soya bean
61. まめ mame Beans / Peas
62. 枝豆 えだまめ edamame Green Soybeans
63. 空豆 そらまめ soramame Broad Bean
64. 豌豆 えんどう endou Green Peas
65. 莢豌豆 さやえんどう sayaendou Garden Peas / Podded Peas
66. 萌やし もやし moyashi Bean Sprouts
67. 豆苗 トウミョウ toumyou Pea Sprouts
68. 貝割れ菜 かいわれな kaiwarena White Radish Sprouts
69. 青梗菜 チンゲンサイ chingensai Bok Choy
70. 乾瓢 / 干瓢 かんぴょう kanpyou Strips of Dried Gourd
71. 白瓜 しろうり shirouri Melon Cucumber
72. 梅干 うめぼし umeboshi Pickled Dried Plum
73. 春菊 しゅんぎく shungiku Edible Chrysanthemum
74. 山葵 わさび wasabi Wasabi
75. 山椒 さんしょう sanshou Japanese Pepper
76. 三つ葉 みつば mitsuba Japanese Honewort / Japanese Parsley
77. アスパラ / アスパラガス asupara / asuparagasu Asparagus
78. 菘 / 鈴菜 スズナ suzuna Turnip

The above is a list of Japanese vegetables. If you think there are some Japanese vegetables that are missed out, please let me know through the comment box below.

And if you are keen to learn more vocabulary related to other vegetables, make sure you check out this page on food, fruits and vegetables.

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