Japanese Conditional Form -
Part 3. ~ば (~ba)/~なら (~nara) Sentence -
Intermediate Lessons: 26

This lesson will continue to discuss the next Japanese conditional form - ば (ba) / なら (nara) Sentence.

Japanese Conditional Form: ば/なら sentence

ば (ba) sentence is used for Verb and い-Adjective while なら (nara) sentence is used for な-Adjective and Noun.

Sentence Patterns

Let's study the sentence patterns...

Sentence 1 ば/なら、 Sentence 2
Verb (Change the last う sound
in dict-form to え sound)
ば、 Sentence 2
い-Adj (~) けれ ば、 Sentence 2
な-Adj なら、 Sentence 2
Noun なら、 Sentence 2
Verb ない-form (~ない) なければ、 Sentence 2
い-Adj (~) く なければ、 Sentence 2
な-Adj で なければ、 Sentence 2
Noun で なければ、 Sentence 2

Note: ば and なら have the same meaning. ば is used for Verb and い-adj. なら is used for な-adj and Noun. For negative, all are the same, ~なければ.

Most of the above are quite straight forward except for changing the verb in Affirmative sentence. We'll call this Japanese conditional form ば-form (ba-form).

Rules for Changing Dictionary-form to ば-form for Verbs

The following are the rules for the 3 groups of Japanese verbs.

Group 1 Verbs

Group 1 verbs always end up with words containing u-sound.

To change group 1 verbs to ば-form, change the u-sound to e-sound in the last word. After that append ば (ba) to the changed words and you will get the ば-form of the verb.

For example, this group 1 verb かく (kaku) ends up with く (ku). If you change the u-sound to e-sound, く (ku) becomes け (ke). Adding ば (ba) at the end, you will get かけば (kakeba).

This group 1 verb あそぶ (asobu) ends up with ぶ (bu). If you change the u-sound to e-sound, ぶ (bu) becomes べ (be). Adding ば (ba) at the end, you will get あそべば (asobeba).

    かう かえば
    まつ まてば
    はじまる はじまれば
    よむ よめば
    はなす はなせば
    およぐ およげば

Group 2 Verbs

All group 2 verbs end up with る (ru). To change to ば-form, simply replace る (ru) with れば (reba) and you will get the ば-form of the verb.

For example, this Japanese verb たべる (taberu) is a group 2 verb. To change to ば-form, replace る (ru) with れば (reba) and you will get たべれば (tabereba).

This group 2 verb ねる (neru) means go to bed. Change る (ru) to れば (reba) and you will get ねれば (nereba).

    やめる やめれば
    きえる きえれば

Group 3 Verbs

Group 3 verbs are irregular verbs. You just have to memorize them. The ば-form of くる (kuru) is くれば (kureba) and the ば-form of する (suru) is すれば (sureba).

    くる くれば
    する すれば

Examples of Japanese Conditional Form ば (ba) / なら (nara) Sentence


takushi- de ikeba, 6 ji no densha ni noreru deshou

Meaning: I guess if you go by taxi, you can catch the 6 o'clock train.


heya ga kurakereba, denki wo tsukete kudasai

Meaning: Please switch on the light if the room is dark.


hima nara, tetsudatte kudasai

Meaning: Please help me if you are free.


ashita ame nara, ikimasen

Meaning: I won't go if it rains tomorrow.


sukoshi shika tabenakereba, yasemasu

Meaning: You will lose weight if you only eat a little.


isogashikunakereba, ashita pa-ti- e ikimasu

Meaning: I will go to party tomorrow if I am not busy.


suki denakereba, tabenakutemo ii desu

Meaning: You don't need to eat if you don't like it.


ashita ii tenki denakereba, sakka- shimasen

Meaning: I won't play soccer if it's not a good weather tomorrow.

Comparing と (to) and ば (ba) / なら (nara) Sentences

Japanese Conditional Form: ば/なら sentence

Actually among all the Japanese conditional forms, と (to) sentence is the most difficult to construct as it has many restrictions.

Grammatically と (to) sentence can all be changed to ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentence. For example...


haru ni naru to, sakura ga sakimasu

Meaning: If Spring comes, the cherry blossom will bloom.


haru ni nareba, sakura ga sakimasu

Meaning: If Spring comes, the cherry blossom will bloom.

The second example above that used ば-form is also correct.

As you know, と (to) sentence has many regulations in Sentence 2. You cannot have expressions of one's will, hope, judgement, permission, order, invitation or request, etc.

However, you can use these expressions if you use ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentence. For example...


お金がある、日本行にきたいです。 X

okane ga aru to, nihon ni ikitai desu X

Meaning: If I have money, I want to go to Japan.


お金があれ、日本に行きたいです。 O

okane ga areba, nihon ni ikitai desu O

Meaning: If I have money, I want to go to Japan.

Example 1 above which used と (to) sentence is incorrect because Sentence 2 is speaker's hope. The sentence becomes correct if you use ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentence as in example 2.

From the above examples, you'll notice that you can use ば (ba) / なら (nara) to connect to sentence where you could not connect using と (to).

In that case, since all と (to) sentence can be changed to ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentence grammatically, then you probably think why do we learn と (to) sentence in the first place.

We are now only focusing on the grammatical point of view. So it may seem that there's no point of learning と (to) sentence.

But there are other aspects and reasons (which I'll explain in next lesson) that why different types of Japanese conditional forms are available.

Japanese Conditional Form ば (ba) / なら (nara) Sentence Regulation

Although ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentence is less strict than と (to) sentence, there's still one regulation that you need to take care of.

When the subject of Sentence 1 is the same as that of Sentence 2...

Sentence 1 Sentence 2
-Action Verb Cannot have expressions of speaker's will, hope,
order, judgement, request, invitation, permission,
prohibition, etc
-State Verb/Adj/Noun No regulation

Note: Subject of sentence - the person who takes action.

Action Verb is verb that requires some action of the speaker. For example: 食べる (taberu), 飲む (nomu), 走る (hashiru), 行く (iku), 見る (miru), 遊ぶ (asobu), 出る (deru), 出掛ける (dekakeru), etc.

State Verb is verb that requires no action. It's a state. For example: ある (aru) and いる (iru) are existence, no action required. A potential verb is also considered as a state verb.

Let's use an example to explain the above sentence regulation...


東京に行く、東京スカイツリーを見たいです。 X
toukyou ni iku to, toukyou sukaitsuri- wo mitai desu X

Meaning: If I go to Tokyo, I want to see Tokyo Skytree.


東京に行け、東京スカイツリーを見たいです。 X
toukyou ni ikeba, toukyou sukaitsuri- wo mitai desu X

Meaning: If I go to Tokyo, I want to see Tokyo Skytree.


東京に行ったら、東京スカイツリーを見たいです。 O
toukyou ni ittara, toukyou sukaitsuri- wo mitai desu O

Meaning: If I go to Tokyo, I want to see Tokyo Skytree.

Example 1 is obviously incorrect because you cannot have one's hope in Sentence 2 for と (to) sentence.

In Example 2 above, who is going to Tokyo? → "I" (Sentence 1's subject). Who want to see Tokyo Skytree? → "I" (Sentence 2's subject).

Since the subjects of both sentences are the same ("I"), and the verb in Sentence 1 is an action verb - 行く (iku), you cannot have speaker's hope 見たい (mitai) in Sentence 2.

Therefore Example 2 is also incorrect because it did not fulfill the regulation for ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentence.

So the correct answer is to use たら (tara) sentence for the above example. たら (tara) sentence (which you'll learn in next lesson) has less regulations as compared to と (to) and ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentences.

Grammatically it can replace all と (to) and ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentences. However, there are reasons why we use と (to) sentence and why we use ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentence. I'll get into that in next lesson.

Check the Examples Against the Sentence Regulation

Let's re-look at the 8 examples of Japanese conditional form ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentence above and check them against the sentence regulation.



Both Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 have the same subject of "You", and Sentence 1 has action verb - 行く (iku). But 乗れる (noreru) in Sentence 2 is a potential verb. It's not one's hope, will, request, etc. So this sentence is correct.



暗い (kurai) is an adjective. So this sentence is correct because there's no regulation for adjective in Sentence 1.



暇 (hima) is also an adjective. So this sentence is also correct.



雨 (ame) is a noun. Similar to adjective, there's no regulation for noun in Sentence 1. So this sentence is correct.



Both Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 have the same subject of "You", and Sentence 1 has action verb - 食べる (taberu). But 痩せます (yasemasu) is not one's hope, will, order, order, request, etc. It's a state. Therefore this sentence is correct.



忙しい (isogashii) is an adjective. So this sentence is correct.



好き (suki) is an adjective. So this sentence is correct.



天気 (tenki) is a noun. So this sentence is correct.

Practices on Japanese Conditional Form ば (ba) / なら (nara) Sentence

Let's check if you can tell whether the following 2 examples are correct for the Japanese conditional form ば (ba) / なら (nara) sentence.

Try to solve them yourself before looking at the answers below.


chichi ga ii to ieba, inu wo kaitai desu

Meaning: If my father agrees, I want to keep a dog.


osake wo nomeba, untenshitewa ikemasen

Meaning: You must not drive if you drink alcohol.



言う (iu) in Sentence 1 is an action verb. The subject of Sentence 1 is 父 (chichi) → "My father", while the subject in Sentence 2 is 私 (watashi) → "I".

Since the subjects of Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 are different, the regulation does not apply. Therefore this sentence is correct.


The subject of Sentence 1 is あなた (anata) → "You", and the subject of Sentence 2 is also あなた (anata) → "You". 飲む (nomu) in Sentence 1 is an action verb, so you cannot have expression of one's hope, wish, request, permission, prohibition, etc in Sentence 2.

Since 運転してはいけません (untenshitewa ikemasen) is a prohibition, this sentence is incorrect.

Have you got your answers right?

Related Pages

Lesson 24: と (to) Sentence.

Lesson 25: ても (temo) Sentence.

Lesson 27: たら (tara) Sentence.

Lesson 28: たら (tara) Sentence Special Case.

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